sexual harassment lawyers in Kansas City

Sexual Harassment

If you’re experiencing sexual harassment in your job, you deserve representation that can give you justice.


We're proud to provide the resources, tenacity, and results you need to get the justice you deserve. 

Sexual Harassment in Kansas City

Ralston Kinney can help you if you have been sexually harassed in the workplace. For years, we have successfully represented victims of sexual harassment in the Kansas City and the surrounding communities. We will help put a stop to the harassing behavior you are experiencing, and may be able to get you the financial compensation you deserve.

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Identifying Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment can mean a lot of different types of misconduct, but it’s hard to tell if what is happening to you is harassment, or behavior that is bothersome but not illegal.

There are essentially two forms of sexual harassment:

Quid Pro Quo: In this form of sexual harassment, your supervisor or other person in a position of authority at your job threatens to fire or “punish” you if you do not submit to sex. Alternatively, the supervisor might offer you promotions or other benefits in exchange for sex.


Hostile Work Environment: Instead of directly pressuring you to have sex, this form of harassment involves a supervisor or co-worker who exposes you to sexually suggestive or explicit pictures, jokes or comments. The behavior must be so pervasive that it creates a toxic work environment for you.

Proving sexual harassment can be challenging, but as skilled sexual harassment lawyers in Kansas City, we’ll listen carefully to your account of what happened. We will examine the evidence and build a case against your harasser, and the managers who failed to take action.

Meet the Ralston Kinney Team

Meet the experienced sexual harassment lawyers in Kansas City who will help you get justice.

Tom Ralston


Kenneth Kinney


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